Matt Stuart – Episode 21

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“What I tell my students is…the one thing we can not teach and they can not buy is time, and time is the key to it, you just have to keep going out there…you have to be extremely positive, you can’t go out there thinking nothing is going to happen” Matt Stuart is an extremely positive person. He’s the kind of photographer where, after you have a conversation with him, you just want to run outside and make photographs. One of his favorite accusations about his photographs is that he must have set it up. He loves this accusation because that means all of his hours spent on the street investigating life for that perfect juxtaposition or theatrical frame have paid off. Matt sits down with Kai and Michael to discuss his new book, “All That Life Can Afford” as well as how he got started and what it takes to be a street photographer. Links from the show: Website & Book: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Photographers mentioned during the show that Matt wanted to highlight: Aaron Berger: Joseph Michael Lopez: Todd Gross: Photo of Matt Stuart © Vincent Montibus Visit Follow us on Twitter and on Instagram Like us on Facebook Music by @pataphysics-1 on Soundcloud

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