“I was like, If I spend as much time working on my own stuff as I do working at this desk I could probably make just about anything happen, so goodbye.” Nicole Craine’s successes in the documentary/photojournalism world can be attributed to her ability to know when it’s time to walk away and when it’s time to lean in. Nicole has walked away from a couple of steady photo related jobs in New York that others would kill to have in order to pursue her work and, one time, so she could meet Quest Love, more on that in the show. Those moments created space in her life where she could then lean in to pursue opportunities by not being afraid to just call people up. This led to getting into the Eddie Adams workshop, joining the Everyday Project, showing her work to the New York Times, and receiving some serious interest in her family-based project. We hit upon a lot different topics in this episode such as race, politics, censorship, and the getting work as a female photojournalist. This episode sponsored by the School of Visual Arts MFA Photography, Video, & Related Media – Charles Traub, Chair. http://www.mfaphoto.sva.edu/ Links: https://www.nicolecraine.com/ https://www.instagram.com/everydayruralamerica/ https://www.instagram.com/nicole_craine/ https://www.facebook.com/nicole.craine https://twitter.com/Nicole_Craine Visit realphotoshow.com @realphotoshow on Twitter/IG/FB
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