Kai McBride | Different City – Half Frame – Ep.100

Friend and former co-host Kai McBride calls in from New Mexico to talk about the big changes in his life and to help celebrate the 100th episode of the show. Kai was the manager of the photo facilities and taught photography at Columbia University. His move is related to the passing of his father and we talk about the adjustments he is making with work, planning his future, developing a new community, and acclimating to his new 7,000 foot elevation so he can get back to his full cycling capabilities. http://www.kaimcbride.com/ https://www.instagram.com/kaimcfoto/ This episode was not recorded at the School of Visual Arts but I wanted to give the SVA MFA Photo, Video, and Related Media Program, Chaired by Charles Traub, a special mention because their sponsorship has helped me make this a much better show and having a recording home has allowed me to bring in a greater variety of guests from outside of New York City. Thank you Charles Traub, Liz Zito, Brenda Hung, and Seth Lambert.

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