“My father was an insurance person, a loss control specialist, and so he knew about Cooper Union because he inspected the building. So he found out that hey there’s a thing that my daughter could go to and it’s tuition free and why the heck doesn’t she apply.” Top secret pool-playing forensic photographer Laura Sellers isn’t on social media, doesn’t have a website, doesn’t like texting, but loves sending letters. She is out in the non-virtual world working as a photographer, teaching, and putting together great shows like the recent anniversary Design & Typography show at The Cooper Union. Laura is currently the Archive Coordinator for the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography at The Cooper Union. Some links to things mentioned in the show: Thirty – Anniversary Exhibition for the Lubalin Center https://www.cooper.edu/events-and-exhibitions/exhibitions/thirty Joy of Giving Something Video on Careers in Photography http://www.jgsinc.org/res-test/careers-in-photography/forensic-photographer-laura-mircik-sellers/ Host: Michael Chovan-Dalton & Anibal Pella-Woo Visit www.thephotoshow.org Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/realphotoshow and on Instagram instagram.com/realphotoshow/ Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/realphotoshow Music by @pataphysics-1
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