“So when I found out that the flash didn’t really affect the roosters at all, then that’s when I started photographing.” Tony Chirinos calls in to talk about how he got started in photography and his ten year graduation plan at Miami Dade College where he now teaches photography. His journey into the medical world helped him produce his haunting photos of surgery, surgical instruments, and morgues. As a child his father used to tell him stories about his life that included experiences with cockfighting. Tony always thought that his father was embellishing the stories for drama until he set out to photograph cockfights and realized the stories were all true. Tony and Stephen Hilger (Chair of Photo at Pratt University) are also the two photographers who started the traveling Pannaroma show that you have heard about so many times on the podcast. Tony’s Website: http://www.tonychirinos.com Some things mentioned during the show: Joe Ely’s “Gallo del Cielo” – I can not publish a link to where you can hear this for free, but I’m sure you know how to search for a song on a popular tube sight. Here are some free legal samples: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gallo-del-cielo/id2526728?i=2526702 http://www.amazon.com/Gallo-Del-Cielo/dp/B005T4OAJE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1444506254&sr=8-1&keywords=joe+ely+gallo PhotoEye & Slate Magazine published Tony’s Fighting Cocks series. http://www.photoeye.com/gallery/forms2/index.cfm?image=1&id=78500&imagePosition=1&Door=2&Portfolio=Portfolio1&Gallery=2 http://www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2014/01/27/tony_chirinos_photographs_cockfights_in_his_series_cocks.html En Foco – Advocacy organization for photographers of diverse cultures based in the U.S. http://enfoco.org Hosts: Michael Chovan-Dalton & Kai McBride Opening phone call with Kai McBride & Patrice Helmar Visit www.thephotoshow.org Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/realphotoshow and on Instagram instagram.com/realphotoshow/ Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/realphotoshow Music by @pataphysics-1 on Soundcloud
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