Wassaic Project | Eve Biddle | Jeff Barnett-Winsby – Episode 62

“We talk to other community organizations all the time, they are like, oh how do you get such great community engagement, we do events all the time and the community doesn’t come. Well, are you doing events for the community or with the community?” – Eve Biddle “I’m really proud of what we’ve done, we’ve worked so hard, it’s fabulous, it continues to grow, why don’t I just dive deeper.” – Jeff Barnett-Winsby The Wassaic Project is a fantastic organization in Wassaic, NY. It’s an artist’s space, a residency, an after school program, a pizza bar, an event space, an arts festival…or more simply put, it is a place where visitors, visiting artists, and the Wassaic community come together to share who they are and what they do. I visited Eve and Jeff to talk about who they are and how it all started and we had a great conversation about some of beautiful and tragic events that helped launch the project, but we also talked a lot about how it changed the course of their own lives and the plans they had for themselves as working artists. Links: http://wassaicproject.org/ https://www.instagram.com/wassaicproject/ http://www.evebiddle.com/ http://jeffbarnettwinsby.com/ Visit www.thephotoshow.org @realphotoshow on Twitter/IG/FB

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