Rola Khayyat | From Brooklyn to Beirut – Episode 68

“When the shelling got too bad my mom would hide us in the bathroom and say it’s just raining really hard and this is the safest spot in the house.” Rola Khayyat grew up during the Lebanese Civil War but when talking about her experience she doesn’t focus on the horrors, she focuses on the richness of her life and how her mother protected her children and gave them a sense of security and home. Life during conflict is at the heart of Rola’s work and also became the creative drive behind the work of her siblings and her mother. We talk about all of this with a focus on Rola’s documentary, “From Brooklyn to Beirut” about a community of Lebanese Jews in New York and their connection to Lebanon. This episode sponsored by the School of Visual Arts MFA Photography, Video, & Related Media – Charles Traub, Chair. Visit @realphotoshow on Twitter/IG/FB

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