Pradip Malde | From Where Loss Comes

Pradip Malde joined Michael Chovan-Dalton and Ryann Casey for a live show at the JKC Gallery to talk about his book, From Where Loss Comes, published by Charcoal Books.

From Where Loss Comes is an unblinking look at how sacrifice and belonging are deeply rooted in the human experience. Sixty photographs and close to 9,000 words consider pain and suffering that is private, sacrificial, and yet rattles against values that are thought of as being inalienable — our fundamental human rights. It is a story of the root causes of female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C).

Pradip, Ryann, and Michael talk about how you go about creating work that deals with such painful and personal stories and how you present that work in a respectful and caring manner.

Real Photo Show is spoused by the Charcoal Book Club and their new project, Charcoal Editions. A curated, online gallery selling open edition silver gelatin prints at more reasonable prices. Listeners get 10% off their purchases through the end of 2022, just type in "realphotoshow" in the promo box at checkout at

Pradip Malde is a photographer and professor at the University of the South, Sewanee, TN. Much of his work considers the experience of loss and how it serves as a catalyst for regeneration. He received a 2018 Guggenheim Fellowship, which resulted in his book, “From Where Loss Comes” (Charcoal, 2022) and is represented in the collections of the Museum of the Art Institute, Chicago; Princeton University Museum; Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Yale University Museum and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, among others.

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