Panoramic Landscape

Create 5 Different Panoramic Scenes from multiple images
Each Panoramic should use a minimum of 3 images stitched together


Have fun with this assignment. Photography anywhere you like and take advantage of the multiple frames you are stitching together.


You may photograph using a tripod or handheld. Remember to use a good amount of overlap in making the images.  Minimum of 3 frames per panoramic.

Images can be horizontal or vertical. Verticals will create a taller panoramic.
You may also stack images on top of each other. (see table below)



  • Good amount of overlap from one side of frame to next
  • You can create a horizontal panoramic from vertically shot photos
  • Use manual exposure – meter for most important part of photo and leave exposure locked in (IF POSSIBLE)
  • Use manual focus if Possible – focus on most important part of photo and leave focus there. (IF POSSIBLE)
  • Stay on one Focal length – don’t change lens or zoom
  • View: