Assignment: What is Place
Place is a very open idea. The point of this assignment is to use everything you’ve learned so far to describe a place in a way that lets us know why it matters to you. This assignment can include everything from landscape, to home, to people, to portraiture.
- No Photos of Princeton University or Grounds for Sculpture unless you work there.
Digital Photo Students
- Make at least 72 photos using either your camera or your phone
- Create a slideshow of your 10 best photos
- Be prepared to talk about your work in a way that lets us know why you chose this place and how you thought about making the photograph
Black and White Film Students
- Expose two rolls of film
- Make a contact sheet
- Make 8 prints
- Be prepared to talk about your work in a way that lets us know why you chose this place and how you thought about making the photograph
For a bright – sunny scene your meter should be giving you an approximate exposure of:
1/500 @ f16