Assignment Portraiture & People

Make Classic Portraits in class together. We will work in the studio together.
Bring your camera to class.

Take a careful meter reading (make sure light source is not in the viewfinder) and photograph your subject sitting or standing quietly (not smiling).  They can be looking at the camera or looking away.  Consider your frame carefully, do you want to crop out or include their hands or the top of their head?  Don’t shoot below 1/30 of a second unless you have a tripod or can set your camera on a tall stable chair or table.

Make Environmental Portraits or People photos together in class
Bring your camera to class.

Environmental portraits are typically of people at their place of business or in a place that reveals their hobbies and interests.  These are still portraits and they must follow the rules stated above (except for the lighting), so they must be still and not smiling and they must not actually be performing a task. Photographing people is a wide category that could include portraiture but is typically more about creating a scene that involves people. We will look at work in class for examples.  For our purposes we will photograph each other on campus.

Minimum to be submitted:

2 Contact Sheets of 72 photos
4 Formal Portraits and 4 Environmental Portraits or People
The same person can show up more than once in your photos.

72 Photos in contact sheets
5 Formal Portraits and 5 Environmental Portraits or People
The same person can show up more than once in your photos. 

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