“I looked at these images and I thought, what’s this about? I had very faint memories about it and so in order to sort of fill in the gaps, I wrote to people and asked them what they remembered about evacuating Beirut…I thought how am I going to make sense of this, what am I going to do with this text…” Madeline Djerejian is a fascinating artist whose work brings together photography, literature, and writing in a very unique way. Sometimes the work is the writing and sometimes the writings inform the work. The arc of Madeline’s life and career has roots in the Armenian Genocide and her family’s immigrant story is complicated and inspiring. We discuss two of her pieces in-depth, Letters to Simon and PRIMER (Jungle Battles) so you should click on the links attached to this episode to see the work. https://www.madelinedjerejian.com/ https://www.madelinedjerejian.com/primer-1-1 https://hoosacinstitute.com/Madeline-Djerejian https://www.instagram.com/madsmadsworld/ This episode sponsored by the School of Visual Arts MFA Photography, Video, & Related Media – Charles Traub, Chair. http://www.mfaphoto.sva.edu/ Visit realphotoshow.com @realphotoshow on Twitter/IG/FB
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