“I realize I have a kind of self-consciousness about my history, about having grown up in Apartheid South Africa and mostly my work is outside of race…” Gary Schneider is the Director of the Graduate Program at Mason Gross School of the Arts. The Harvard Art Museum has recently acquired a historic collection of printer proofs from the Schneider/Erdman Photography Lab that Gary and his lifelong partner John Erdman owned for 30 years. In addition to the proofs Gary and John are donating their personal vintage and modernist collection of photos. Michael, Kai, and Gary discuss this and how various choices in Gary’s life brought him from South Africa to Pratt Institute, to running a photo lab, and most recently to Mason Gross. LINKS http://www.garyschneider.net http://www.masongross.rutgers.edu/visual-arts/faculty/gary-schneider https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/names/2017/05/12/harvard-art-museums-acquires-treasure-trove-photos/9JqvWzzvt8oRi0qP9ofYhL/story.html Visit www.thephotoshow.org We are realphotoshow on Twitter/IG/FB Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/realphotoshow and on Instagram instagram.com/realphotoshow/ Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/realphotoshow Music by Giancarlo T. Roma and Kai McBride
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