“Memorial Day is a very sad day (in Israel), everyone stands still for one minute. We never go and do barbecue…we don’t have sales…and we don’t think about it as a day off…” Inbal’s work involves memory, conflict, and the way we memorialize war. In 2012 she was nominated for the prestigious Prix Pictet award for her “Nothing Left Here but the Hurt” series. Her subject matter is deeply connected to her upbringing and experiences in Israel. When we spoke to Inbal she was just finishing her stint teaching at the Photography Summer Intensive at Columbia University and she was also just weeks away from giving birth to her second son. Check out her website at http://inbalabergil.com Watch a slideshow of her work while listening to the show at http://slideluck.com/inbal-abergil/ Visit http://thephotoshow.org Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/realphotoshow Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/realphotoshow Music by @pataphysics-1
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