“I left The Cooper Union completely kind of broken just because of the conversations that I was having in terms of things like race, in terms of things like who gets to make art…and I ended up working construction for a year.” Claudio Nolasco sits down with Kai and Michael at Patrice Helmar’s home in the Bronx just before a Camera and Supper Club presentation. Claudio speaks about his life in terms of transitions. The challenges he faced as he transitioned from a boy growing up in the Dominican Republic to boy living in a gang filled neighborhood in Brooklyn, the identity crisis he had as he studied to become an artist and what it meant to photograph his own people and culture in an authentic way, and the adjustments he had to make to his work and his goals as he moved from the American Northeast to the American Southwest and back again. Opening call with Patrice Helmar (Ep.3) Links: Website: http://www.claudionolasco.com/ Tumblr: http://claudionolasco.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/claudiomnolasco Instagram: @claudiomnolasco Anewnothing.com: archived conversation: http://anewnothing.com/claudio-nolasco-yeon-j-yue/ Visit www.thephotoshow.org Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/realphotoshow and on Instagram instagram.com/realphotoshow/ Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/realphotoshow Music by @pataphysics-1 on Soundcloud
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