Andre D Wagner – Episode 64

“It’s just amazing how like when you kind of put energy out, like a certain type of energy that you want to be around and that you want to be a part of, how the world kind of brings that right back to you…” Andre D. Wagner accidentally started his photo career while playing basketball for Buena Visa University as a social work major. He took a photo class thinking it would be an easy grade, but like many first time photo students, he was shocked by the cost and the amount of work involved, but unlike many first time photo students, he didn’t give up even after being accepted to Fordham University for a Masters in social work. Andre is experiencing some great successes right now which include, his first book, Here for the Ride, he is a regular contributor to the New York Times, he was included in a campaign on Black History by Hennesy, and he recently married. We talk about his successes, learning to appreciate them but also understanding the need to keep moving forward. LINKS | Book Power in Fleeting Moments: SLIDESHOW with Andre D. Wagner | Vice Video New History Vol. 1 I Hennessy x Andre Wagner | Hennessy Video Visit @realphotoshow on Twitter/IG/FB

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